Carlos Anílber Rivas Maradiaga
History of Cartography in Central America; Social control and urbanization in the Americas after 1492; architecture and human relocation in the Americas; decolonial studies; indigenous arts of the Americas; Contemporary Latinx Art in the U.S. Southwest
University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. in Art History 2022
Major: Colonial Latin America
Minor: Indigenous Arts of the Americas
Dissertation: Aerial Views of Central America’s Rio Lempa Basin in the Descripción Geografico-Moral de la Diocesis de Goathemala, 1768-1770
Committee: Dr. Charlene Villaseñor Black, Dr. Dell Upton, Dr. Kevin Terraciano
M.A. in Art History, 2013
Master's Thesis: “Fabricating History: the Codex Mendoza and Manuscript Production During the Founding of New Spain."
Committee: Dr. Charlene Villaseñor Black, Dr. Stella E. Nair, Dr. Robert Brown
Certificado en Historia de El Salvador, 2014
University of California, Riverside
B.A. Art History/Religious Studies; English, 2010
Honors Thesis: “Spenser’s ‘Darke Conceite’: Strucutral Patterns in the Landscape of The Faerie Queene”
Committee: Dr. Heidi Brayman Hackel, Dr. Conrad Rudolph
Mellon Inter-University Program in Latino Studies Dissertation Fellowship (2019-20)
Edward A. Dickson History of Art Fellowship. 2016-18
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education. 2016-17 (declined)
Edward A. Dickson History of Art Fellowship. 2015-16
Early Modern & 18th Century Studies Grad Certificate Summer Mentorship. UCLA, 2015
Graduate Research Mentorship. UCLA, 2014-2015
Graduate Summer Research Mentorship. UCLA, 2014
Ruth Nagle Watkins Research Grant. Department of Art History, UCLA, 2013 (summer)
Graduate Summer Research Mentorship. UCLA, 2012
University of California Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship. 2011-2012
Catherine Lees Causey Award. Department of the History of Art, UCR, 2010
University Honors Fellowship. UCR, 2010
Undergraduate Research Grant. UCR, 2010
2023- Assistant Professor, Department of the History of Art, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio
2022-23 Visiting Assistant Professor, Chicana/o and Latina/o Transnational Studies, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA
Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA
Adjunct Faculty, Fall 2018
I taught the undergraduate seminar "Earthquakes, Floods, and Bombs: Central American Artistic Culture since 1520"
Adjunct Faculty, Spring 2016
I taught the undergraduate seminar "Earthquakes, Floods, and Bombs: Central American Artistic Culture since 1520"
César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
Lecturer – 2022-23
Teaching Associate – for Professor Leisy Ábrego in “Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: Social Structures and Contemporary Conditions." Winter 2016
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Teaching Associate – for Professor Robert Chao Romero in “Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture." Fall 2015
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Department of Art History, University of California, Los Angeles
Lecturer – 2022-23
Adjunct Faculty, Summer 2015
I taught "Central American Art and Architecture, 1520 - today"
Teaching Associate – for Professor Steven Nelson in “Arts of Africa." Spring 2014
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Teaching Associate – for Professor Stella Nair in “Introduction to Pre-Columbian Art.” Winter 2014
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Teaching Associate – for Professor Joanna Woods Marsden in “Renaissance and Baroque Art and Ideology." Fall 2013
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Teaching Assistant – for Professor Stella Nair in “Introduction to Pre-Columbian Art.” Spring 2013
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Teaching Assistant – for Professor Sharon Gerstel in “Medieval Art." Winter 2013
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Teaching Assistant – for Professor Robert Brown in “The Art of India and Southeast Asia.” Fall 2012
Collaborated on curriculum and exam development, met with students upon request, and graded all written work, including all exams.
Indigenous Communities of El Salvador
Workshop at the III Cumbre de Juventudes Salvadoreñas. Los Angeles, CA. September 3-4 2016.
After the Conquest: Colonial Central America and its Legacies, 1492-1820
Guest lecture for Art History C117B. Pre-Columbian Art of the Maya taught by Dr. John M.D. Pohl at UCLA. I taught the session that covered the aftermath of the conquest of the Maya region in Central America. May 2014.
History of Central America, 1400-2000
Guest lecture for History 161. Latin American History taught by Xóchitl Flores at the California State University, Northridge. I taught the session that covered Central American history, and focused on Mayan and Nahuat-Pipil history and art, indigo plantations during the colonial period, independent movements led by Francisco Morazán during the nineteenth-century, and revolutionary movements of the twentieth-century. October 2013.
"Colonial Central America." in Grove Encyclopedia of Latin American Art and Architecture. Edited by Tom Cummins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (forthcoming 2017).
"Metonymy, Memory and the Imperial Gaze in an eighteenth-century Central American Atlas” in the Inter-University Program for Latino Studies panel at the 4th Biennial Latina/o Studies Association, “Beyond Borders: Latina/o Studies in Times of Crisis.” University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN. July 2020
“Decolonizing Aeriality in Colonial El Salvador: Indigenous Geospatial Knowledge in the "Descripción Geográfico-Moral de la Diócesis de Goathemala," 1768-1770” in the panel, "Altered Terrains: Landscapes of Colonial America," at the 108th annual College Art Association, Chicago, IL. February 2020
“Decolonizing Aeriality in the Descripción Geográfico-Moral de la Diócesis de Goathemala” at the 1st Annual Central American Studies Symposium at UCLA organized by the Central American Studies Working Group, Los Angeles, CA. June 2019
“Finding Ourselves in the Archive: Eighteenth-Century Maps of El Salvador at the Archivo General de Indias,” Latin American Studies Association, Boston, MA. May 2019
“The Guatemalan Cristo Mojado/Wetback Christ and the fight against Gentrification in South L.A.” Part of panel, “The Chicanx, Latinx, and Central American Migrant Struggle Against Gentrification and Displacement” at the Sixth Biennial Latino Art Now! Conference. Houston, TX. April 2019
Discussant in the panel, “Resistance and Education: Emerging Undergraduate Central American-Latinx Scholarship.” At the third Latina/o Studies Association, Washington D.C. July 2018
“Mutilating Patriarchies: (Re)defining the Question of Feminicide in Central America.” Paper presented as part of the roundtable, "Feminicide in Central America: Art, Activism, and Resistance to Gender-Based Violence." Modern Language Association 2018 Convention, New York, New York. January 4-7, 2018.
"El Cristo Mojado: Central American Immigration and Transnational Devotion of the Black Christ of Esquipulas, Guatemala in Los Angeles, California." Paper presented at the Objects of Devotion/Objectos de Devoción: Latin American Material Religious Cultures. Conference at the University of California, Riverside. December 12-14, 2014.
“Salvadoran Identities: Repression to Resistance, 1932 to Now” Paper presented with Carina Ventura and Patricia Vargas at the “25th Annual Student of Color Conference: Many People, One Movement” at the University of California, Los Angeles. 2013.
“Art in Revolutionary Movements: Memoria Histórica and the Murals at the University
of El Salvador." Paper presented at the “4th Annual U.S.E.U. Conference. From Local to Global: Nurturing the Self, Knitting the Fabric of the Community.” California State University, Los Angeles. 2012.
“The Codex Mendoza and Early Colonial Artistic Production in New Spain.” Paper presented at the “32nd Annual James C. Young Colloquium: Conversations Towards Community and Diversity” at the University of California, Riverside. 2012.
“The Rise and Fall of the Republic of Central America: Art, Cultural Synthesis, Homogenization
and the Problem(s) of National Identity.” Paper presented at the “Pacific Coast Council on Latin American Studies: Global and Local Struggles: Latin America and the New Millennium” at the California State University, Los Angeles. 2011.
“Spenser’s Use of Structural Patterns in the Landscape of The Faerie Queene”
Paper presented at the Symposium for Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity at the University of California, Riverside. 2010.
“Salvadoran Culture and Identity in the 21st Century: Globalization and the Impact of ‘el Norte’
in El Salvador." Paper presented at the “2nd Annual U.S.E.U. Conference: Paradigms of a New Consciousness: (Re)defining the Salvadoran Diaspora in the 21st Century” at the University of California, Berkeley. 2010.
UCLA Art History Graduate Student Association
Executive Committee Member, 2013 – 2015
Served as a liaison between the members of the graduate student community and the faculty of the Department of Art History. Oversaw the administration of graduate student-led events, such as the Orientation for Incoming Art History graduate students, various fora and workshops about academic career advice, etc.
Undergraduate Student Association Liaison, 2012-2014
Worked with the UCLA Art History Undergraduate Student Association (AHUSA) to facilitate the coordination of events.
Orientation Committee, 2012-2014
Was a member of the committee that planned each year's New Art History Graduate Student Orientation for two consecutive years.
Central American Resource Center (CARECEN). Los Angeles, CA
Legal Research Intern, Spring 2015 - today
I conduct legal research for CARECEN's T.P.S. Campaign, which seeks to make those who have held T.P.S. for at least ten years legal residents of the United States.
UCLA Department of Art History
Graduate Student Reader, Fall 2014
Served as a grader for Dr. Stella Nari's course, Art History 117F. Inca Visual Culture.
Graduate Student Reader, Spring 2014
Served as a grader for Dr. Aleca Le Blanc's course, Art History 118E. Topics in Brazilian Art and Culture.
Graduate Student Researcher, Winter and Spring 2014
Worked with Professor Charlene Villaseñor Black and Dr. Mari-Tere Álvarez (J. Paul Getty Museum) to build a digital archive of the Mendoza archive, housed originally in Barcelona. My work involves helping to catalogue the documents for the online database.
Graduate Student Researcher, 2013
Worked with Professor Charlene Villaseñor Black in her upcoming book project on women saints in Spain and Mexico during the early modern period.
Graduate Student Reader, Fall 2011
Served as a grader for Dr. John Pohl's course, Art History C117D. Aztec Art.
UCR Department of the History of Art
Undergraduate Student Researcher, 2009-2010
I worked for Professor Conrad Rudolph creating images for his research projects relating to the reconstruction of the now-destroyed twelfth-century mural, The Mystic Ark located at the Monastery of St. Victor near Paris, France. My images have appeared in his articles in Art Bulletin (December 2011) and in Art History (September 2010).
English – native language
Spanish – native language
Portuguese – advanced oral, reading, and writing
Catalan – basic oral, reading, and writing
German – basic reading
Association for Latin American Art
Latina/o Studies Association
College Art Association
Society of Architectural Historians